Sunday, February 3, 2008

Family Road Trips to Maine

Growing up, economical family vacations were often defined as a trip to Maine. The 6-8 hour drive in the old Plymouth seemed endless, and Gid was not one to speed. I remember his explanation that other cars just appeared to be whizzing quickly by because they were traveling in the opposite direction. I later figured out that it was also because they were going at least 10 – 15 mph faster than we were. To his credit, Gid always felt the need to provide something educational, so he included activities like a tour of the paper mill in Rumford, Maine. The ultimate destination, though, was a visit to see Grandpa Records sister, Aunt Ida, in Livermore Falls. A visit to see Aunt Ida, who modestly considered herself a “handsome woman” (see photo), was no frills* but always included homemade molasses cookies waiting for us upon our arrival. (* There was no indoor plumbing, but the outhouse was just a few steps up from the kitchen in the attached garage.) The stay at Aunt Ida’s farmhouse was broken up with side trips: visits to the lake and to see Aunt Amy, Ida’s sister, another widow, a retired school teacher who lived in a fancier house (indoor plumbing) in North Leeds. The highlight of the trip was often a visit from Ruth and Jake who had always just returned from one of their many trips to Moosehead Lake. Ruth and Jake were considered a bit odd and talked about with pity because they were unable to reproduce. This was also offered as the explanation for why cousin Ruth had the energy to play with us kids, crawling around in the fort we built under a card table. Most of the time, though, the subject of the conversation (as in all of Aunt Ida’s letters) came around to which relative was feeling “poorly”. I will try to remember this and censor myself as I get older and feeling more poorly….


Ribhard said...

Ahhhhhh! family road-trip vacations...does it get any better than that? I remember a couple of them myself……. long drives with no pee air conditioning...warm peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread…… mandatory endless choruses of "are we there yet?" and the occasional “If I have to stop this car”……….
Good times..... Good times.

And that’s a pretty interesting looking snap shot of the crew.......P-Lou with the dirty legs…hey its just a picture right?.......uncle aug counting his buttons.....BDA with the boxer shorts on and fake bandage so as to possibly get out of mowing the yard later…....and the first born smiling and probably thinking about how that kitty cat
would look if he accidentally gets run through the old wringer washer……….I believe Nan did mention this was the last known picture of ole lightnin’…………alive..

Polvo'd said...

Barry always tells stories about how he used to hate cats... but this picture paints an entirely different story.

P-Lou said...

I think it may also be the last picture of Aunt Ida - but I don't think Barry ran HER through the wringer washer.

P-Lou said...

Hey, my legs might have been dirty, but it looks like I was keeping my Britney Spears outfit clean.

Polvo'd said...

And.... 'once again'... barry has really short shorts on.

Polvo'd said...

On one of the walls in Nan/Gid's old house there was a picture of all the boys lined up I think with buzzed hair cuts. Anyone have that picture?

Ribhard said...

I did notice that barry wears a lot of tank tops and short shorts since he moved to GP......I see it started at a young age

P-Lou said...

Polvo, if it's the picture I'm thinking of, it's a picture of 4 of us - before Lisa was born. And I have that picture - in Gulfport. I scanned it once but cannot seem to find it on my computer. I will continue to look - as I'm sure you intend to use it for good and not evil.

Ribhard said...

Yea.... polvo will use it for good not evil....and the penquin will have batman over for tea too.

Polvo'd said...

Actually I just remember that picture - thought I really looked like my dad (less the short shorts of course). Would just like a copy if possible.

boan said...

Barry got a kick out of your story p-lou. He also wondered, was he that much taller than Glenn even at that age.?

Ribhard said...

Did barry wonder what happened to the cat?