Monday, June 9, 2008


Entitled .... "Monday" (By a family friend)

So, in order to get Diet Dr. Pepper here at my office I have to walk about half a mile to the other office and buy them from one of the sales teams refrigerator. I really wanted one so I walked over there to get one and they were not in the refrigerator yet; but I bought 2 any way, thought I would store one over here for next time. SO, on the way back I stopped in the breakroom/cafeteria thing to get ice so that I could drink one of the sodas.There were about 60 people eating lunch and hanging out- some of the execs were in their as well. I washed my cup and filled it with ice and was carrying the 2 sodas and my cup out and somehow both sodas slipped out of my hand and fell on the ground. They both exploded and starting spouting out soda like a sprinkler. Diet Dr. P was spraying all over the place and the cans were spinning in circles. I wasn't sure if I should grab them really fast and head for a sink or wait for them to slow down, either way, I was already getting soda all over me and so were all the people in their nice work clothes in the area. What made it worse, their was a huge floor fan right where the drinks fell and the air was literally blowing the DDP all over everyone! People were jumping all over the place and screaming.... it was pretty funny and embarassing. Anyway, I finally grabbed them and ran over to the sink, but the soda was ALL OVER the floor (and all over my coworkers)..... I started cleaning it up and misstepped and slid one foot almost all the way across the floor... so I was basically doing the splits and the only way I could get up was to sit down in the soda pool, everytime I tried to get my footing I would just slip more. I finally got up and EVERYONE was laughing at me. Finally, some guys helped me clean up the mess.... this one guy had on a pink lightweight button down shirt and it was so wet... and yeah. I had the whole fight or flight moment and decided to not run out (although I TOTALLYwanted to) I started chatting people up, trying to be all funny and got this guy to buy me a new soda. But, I look so gross today, my hair is all wet with soda and sticking to my face and halfway in a ponytail and half all over the place. My clothes don't match, I look like I had an accident in my pants and I have no makeup and bags under my eyes.... so I couldnt even try and play 'cute'.... for reals... this just happened.


Abbzug said...

i want to see a picture. come on, i'm sure you have a webcam or something similarly fancy with which you can snap a quick photo of the damage you've done to yourself.

Ribhard said...

You should have hauled butt out of the breakroom as the DDP was falling.....I mean come on now, I bet all you people from Colorado look alike to them anyway...........

Polvo'd said...

happened to a family friend (to remain nameless)... you think I'm that clumsy?

P-Lou said...

The ONLY reason I don't think it was Polvo was the mention of the ponytail. Seriously, though, Valencia would be disappointed if I did not point out that at least it was diet soda and so - not sticky. See the chapter in her Mommy Dearest book entitled "Age 2:Diet Soda in my Tippee Cup to Avoid a Sticky Mess"