Monday, December 3, 2007

Metaphorically speaking...

I recall a metaphor a good friend of mine told me once. I don't recall what the metaphor was for exactly at the time... but I've found over the years that you can apply it to all sorts of things in life. My friend said that certain things are like a stray dog pooping on your front yard... It poops on your yard, you get mad at it, but it keeps pooping in your yard anyway...but one day, out of the blue, it stops pooping in your yard.. and for some reason you kinda start to miss that dog....


boan said...

Can you give me an example of how this applies to your current life?

Polvo'd said...

Along the same lines (possibly)... In the greater Dallas / Forth Worth area there are a couple of major airports. So you really can't avoid "Airplane Noise" when looking for a house regardless of location or bank account. It's not a major deal, and you get used to it, but it's there and you notice it.

After we moved here, some neighbors mentioned that in the days following 9/11 there weren't any planes in the air - and they said it was very weird to have that ‘lack of plane noise’ quiet, and they actually felt a lot better once the plane noise resumed.