Friday, September 26, 2008

Did you know.............

It is interesting that sometimes we miss out on some piece of knowledge along the way. Like I heard this person say they just always thought those street crossing signs that read: "Ped X-ing" were read as Ped ZING. Now that is perfectly understandable to me, because no one ever reads that sign out loud nor have I seen it explained properly in a text book. I am not sure about now, but when I was growing up no one told me the deal on those signs. I wouldn't know one way or the other. I do remember PED from my two years of Latin, meaning foot or something like that.

And I never learned exactly what seasons are what months. Like is summer technically May, June, and July. Or is it June, July, and August? When does "fall" really start? Is it always the same day regardless of where you live? Does it change with time zones or longitude? I hear the weatherperson sometimes say this day or that day is the first day of winter, but I never know if that is correct or just a throw away line. Was this some knowledge we were supposed to learn along the way and retain for future use? Does everyone else know this except me?

I had a kid ask me the other day at school "what number is October?" I looked at him with close encounters of the third kind face and didn't have a clue what he was talking about. I was thinking, Jesus have we started saying a number now instead of the name of the month? Is this some new Google term? Was this on Letterman? Did I misplace this tidbit at my 'things to remember' brain drawer? Then I saw he was filling out a form and wanted "10" for October. So I was on it like a duck on a June bug and told him "TEN"! My brain kicked into gear and I remembered all the months have numbers associated with them in the order they appear in the year. Quickly I reeled off, inside my head, the numbers and months. I knew the number and name perfectly except April, May, July, and August. January , February, and March were as easy as 1, 2, 3. June made sense too because it is middle month and I should have been able to remember July because it is middle month plus one. But August had no special attachment. September was easy because of Rudy Giuliani saying 911 over one million times in the past 4 years., October fell into place because thats when some of my favorite people were born, and November / December were easy because that's at the end of the cycle.

It is interesting to think about the things we don't know and why we don't know them.


Polvo'd said...

I can tell you've been taking Chantix

Ribhard said...

yea.... two trips to the emergency room already for that whole four hour erection thing...I should have read all of the fine print.

P-Lou said...

I think maybe they don't teach the seasons in FL because you don't have them and you're not going to use them - as is their theory with reading and math - and, well, wearing shoes.