Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Man this is awesome!

So I ran 20 miles on Sunday and another 5 yesterday. When I sit down for any period of time longer than say 2-3 minutes - my joints seem to freeze up. It takes about 20 steps for my gate to somewhat return to normal. Getting up in the morning is a chore - it reminds me of when Michael J. Fox once said every now and again when he gets up in the morning he forgets he has that illness, until he takes a couple of steps. Same thing (sort of) for me. I forget that everything hurts until I almost fall flat on my face each morning after rolling out of bed. Going up stairs is not a problem really but going down requires both hand rails. Right now I have some weird crook in my right ankle, a quarter size water balloon blister on my left arch, and my quads seem to be miss-firing when I walk. My hips are like a tin-man's that are in desperate need of some oil. My back is a little sore and I've learned the hard way that excessive running can do a number on your intestines and bowels so I also have to squeeze the sphincter muscle while I hobble along. My right shin hurts, as does my left heel. I've learned that during long runs you can drink too much water, or too little - each of which can have dire consequences - swelling of the brain being one of them. How do I know when that happens? my sinuses are a bit stuffed up right now but maybe that's allergies?

The good thing is I only have to run 8 miles tomorrow morning so that will be a nice change of pace.

Man I love this hobby....


P-Lou said...

Sounds like somebody needs a visit to the tough shed...

Ribhard said...

you had me at intestines and bowels ...I am thinking seriously about going out and running 15 miles this morning.

Stephany said...

I think you should take up swimming! Much easier on the body (& bowels I might add) and you feel like you are getting a good work out...with out all that pain!