Thursday, December 6, 2007

Us Versus Them?

In the days leading up to my first marriage, my fiancé and I met with the minister (per his insistence) to discuss the various elements and challenges of married life. We discussed everything from financial decisions, to goals, and then we discussed children.

Now, we both wanted to have children but I expressed some concern about the growing population in schools, over-crowding, etc., and thus thought it would be best if we only had one, maybe two children - but then the minister interjected. As he told it, and I 're-tell' it, he said that often times the uneducated, or 'lower rungs' of our society if you will, reproduce in larger numbers. So in order to combat this growing imbalance, he said - the smart people need to reproduce more or ultimately our society would be overrun by stupid people.

I just wasn't sure which side of that equation I fell into. So as of now at least, I'm stopping at 2 kids.


P-Lou said...

Who was your minister ? - Hitler?! This puts me in mind of a comic we saw once at one of Vic's business conventions (pre campus supervisor). He observed that educated, higher SES people were always having fertility problems (standing on their heads and doing in vitro in an attempt to conceive) while there appeared to be no shortage of little kids with rat-tail haircuts running dirt circles around a trailer screaming "I'm coocoo for coco puffs!"

Abbzug said...

P-lou. Good point. Point taken. Regarding the education-fertility relationship you speak of - it is a questionable assumption that education is the driver of distinct patterns of fertility between the two groups. Instead, this relationship can be explained by the fact that the rat-tail demographic, on the whole, begin their mating rituals, and spawn (ie "pop-them-out"), at approximately 12 years of age, while the book-toting demographic, tend to start much later, if at all.

respectfully, abbzu, leopold, and lula

Ribhard said...

Polvo has convinced me with his
in-depth review and crystal clear logic. I have now decided to join him as of now at least, I'm stopping at 2 kids too.