Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The mind is a terrible thing to loose............

a few things happened to me one day that make me wonder if I have Alzheimer's or just CRS (can't remember shit). I got up in the morning and put 2 packs of sweet and low in my empty coffee cup....turned around and fixed some toast..and then decided I would drink milk instead of coffee...poured the milk in the coffee cup and thought Jesus this is some sweetass tasting milk........drank the whole cup before it dawned on me why. next I went to the closet to get my shoes....got them and began looking around for my socks that I knew I had brought down stairs....walked around a while and couldn't find them..until I looked down at my feet....the final straw was later I opened the dishwasher..left the door down....apparently thinking this would be a hint for plou to empty the dishwasher....turned around a few mins later and kicked my shin on the dishwasher door hard enough to draw blood and make me shout a couple of obscenities. This getting old is getting old.

1 comment:

P-Lou said...

...and what lesson did you learn about leaving hints for p-lou?